So, you’ve recently noticed that one or more of your neighbors is replacing their roof? Worried that means it may be time for yours to get replaced too? Today, Timberman Roofing in Valparaiso, Florida is discussing whether or not you should replace your roof just because the homes around you are. Have questions about our roofing services? Interested in scheduling an inspection to determine whether your roof may need repairs or replacement? Timberman Roofing would be happy to help with any of your Florida Panhandle roofing needs. Schedule your appointment today.

Should I Be Replacing My Roof Too?
When it comes to being time to replace a roof, there are typically a few things to look out for. Roof age, the condition of the roof, recent storms, etc. Another great way to tell is by looking around at those who have a similar roof that was placed at a similar time. Due to how neighborhoods are built, your roof is typically (there are exceptions obviously) the same age as those around you. This means if their roof has enough wear-and-tear, there is a chance yours might as well. Exceptions would obviously include specific damage such as a tree branch falling onto the roof, roofs that are not properly cared for, etc. At Timberman Roofing, we’re happy to provide inspections to determine what condition your roof is in. We can give you an estimate of how long the roof may last along with any problems we may notice that require attention. In the event you do need a roof replacement, we’d be happy to discuss your various options (shingle, metal, color, style, etc.) along with our financing options.
Contact Our Valparaiso Roofing Company Today
Noticed your neighbors are getting new roofs? Want to make sure your roof is in good condition? Schedule your Valparaiso roofing inspection with Timberman Roofing today. We’d be happy to help.